My kid’s teachers routinely provide rubrics for assignments. At first blush, rubrics are tools to make grading an assessment easier. They are effective in that role. They turn out to be at least as effective at communicating expectations. Readers of a rubric can quickly and easily determine what is important.
Recently i developed a rubric to help me judge the performance of engineers (it was review season yet again). The engineers on my team have appreciated the transparency and clarity this tool provides. Hopefully, it will be helpful to others.
The Rubric is divided into two sections. One about results and the other about behavior. Both of these are important. Good, pro-social behavior is just as important in engineers as strong results.
Continuous improvement
always leaves code substantially better than they found it
manages scope of refactors to match time available
often improves code as part of normal work
sometimes improves code as part of normal work
often has to abandon refactors due to time constraints
rarely improves existing code
communicates intentions early and clearly
often provides material support to teammates (developers, QA, on-call person, etc)
regularly creates & maintains runbook (particularly when on call)
keeps stakeholder informed (particularly when on call)
communicates intentions after it is hard to change course
regularly supports teammates
occasionally maintains runbook
rarely communicates intentions
sometimes supports teammates
doesn’t maintain runbook
never communicates intentions
never supports teammates
never creates or improves runbook entries
Production support
prioritizes concurrent incidents correctly
use critical thinking and problem-solving skills to resolve issues quickly
handles lower priority issues (eg, jenkins nodes down) when there are no higher priority incidents
prioritizes concurrent incidents correctly
use critical thinking and problem solving skills to resolve issues
handles lower priority issues (eg, jenkins nodes down) when there are no higher priority incidents
prioritizes concurrent incidents correctly
ignores lower priority issues (eg, jenkins nodes down) even when there are no high priority incidents (works stories while on call)
relies too heavily on others (rather than using critical thinking and problem-solving skills)
bad attitude
incorrectly prioritizes concurrent incidents
always ignores lower priority issues (jenkins nodes down)
doesn’t communicate incident status to stakeholders
relies on others to resolve issues (throws it over the wall)
Code Quality
well factored
documentation on classes/modules and public method/functions
PRs require trivial changes
well factored
poorly documented
PRs require minor changes
poorly factored
PRs require some rework
poorly factored
PRs require substantial rework
usually delivers more stories per sprint than the average engineer
usually delivers more points per sprint than the average engineer
occasionally delivers more stories/points per sprint than the average engineer
usually delivers fewer stories/points per sprint than the average engineer
delivers substantially fewer stories/points per sprint than the average engineer
public contracts well tested
key scenarios have acceptance tests
tests are independent of current implementation
public contract partially tested
key scenarios have acceptance tests
tests are independent or current implementation
public contract partially tested
tests dependent on current implementation
acceptance tests check too many edge cases
no unit or functional tests
often reviews PRs
feedback is substantive and useful
reviews show understanding of PRs intent and the code that interacts with it
regularly reviews PRs
advice would materially improve PRs
reviews show understanding of PRs intent
sometimes reviews PRs
reviews are superficial
reviews are hard to understand
Product & domain knowledge
understands the domain
understands most of the supported features of the product
understands some of the historical features of the product
understands the domain
understands many of the supported features of the product
some knowledge of the domains
limited knowledge of product features
no knowledge of utility and grid edge domain
no knowledge of product
Personal goals
goals are SMART
goals drive achievement of team and corporate goals in material ways
achieves goals on time
goals are SMART
goals weakly support team and corporate goals
achieves goals
goals have no relation to team and corporate goals
achieves goals
goals are vague or unattainable
goals work against team and corporate goals
doesn’t achieve goals
polite and engaging even when under stress (eg, when on call)
accepts setbacks and moves forward
normally polite but brusque when under stress
accepts setbacks and moves forward
normally polite but rude when under stress
courageous in all aspects of work every day
strives for greatness even when difficult
occasionally fails spectacularly
often courageous in most aspects of work
occasionally fails
sometimes courageous in some aspects of work
rarely fails
often timid
usually takes least risky (and rewarding) approach
highly motivated to succeed
accepts challenges and new responsibilities
motivated to succeed
grudgingly accepts new challenges and responsibilities
resists new challenges and responsibilities
lacks motivation
rejects all new challenges and responsibilities
Strategic thinking
plans for 6 month – 2 year horizon
plans for 3 – 6 month horizon
plans for 1 – 3 month horizon
no planning
earns trust of others
reliably meets commitments
occasionally fails to meet commitments
sometimes fails to gain the trust of others
fails to meet commitments
occasionally misconstrues the facts
often misconstrues the facts
widely distrusted
seeks out learning opportunities
applies lessons learn to enhance success
elicits relevant experiences from others
interested in learning
applies lessons learn to enhance success
learns when pushed
resists change
uninterested in learning
resists change
improves productivity and morale of pairs
pairs most of the time
pairs effectively
pairs most of the time
pairs ineffectively
pairs some of the time
reduces productivity and morale of pairs
rarely pairs