New Hosting

If you are reading this your looking at my shiny new hosting. I finally had to leave shieldhost because their support was simply inadequate. It took a long time (days usually) and I had to explain the issue multiple times for almost every single ticket I submitted. And then yesterday my host ran out of space in the tmp directory which caused my blog to be down for most of the dayWordPress queries the database in such a way that it often has to write the data to disk due to the size.

Anyway, I signed up with Site5 this morning and now everything is humming along. So far I am very pleased. Getting shell access is the only issue I have had so far and it approximately 2 minutes from the time I sent my email requesting shell access until I had it. It was was so fast that at first I assumed that it was an auto-responseShieldhost often took 4+ hours before the first response.. Even better Site5 supports RoR so if I ever get around to writing some cool rails app in my copious free time I can deploy them on

So far my only complaint is that the IMAP server does not support STARTTLS so I still have to get my mail insecurely. But apparently no one actually supports this functionality.