Audrey Can Stand

Audrey standing

Audrey stood up all by herself for the first a week ago today. I was brushing Elliot’s teeth and she was playing on the floor near by. When I looked down I saw that she had pulled herself into a standing position using Elliot’s stool. By Saturday, two days later, she was pretty much standing all the time and had even started cruising a little.

This has been a big couple weeks for Audrey. She also started saying “hi” while waving recently, which is super cute. And it sounds like she might be close to saying “Elliot”. She loves Elliot so much I will not be surprised if that is her next work. I expect it will come well before mommy or daddy.

One of the interesting things about having two children is being able to compare and contrast them. Elliot tends to learn skills gradually. It took him a significantly longer time (weeks) to become skilled at standing and he fell down a lot more. But he started trying to stand at a much younger age than Audrey and keep at it doggedly until he had figured it out. Audrey, on the other hand, seems to learn really quickly in spurts. She can go weeks with out gaining any noticeable skills and then in a matter of hours, or days, she learns some skill to a notable level of competence. For example, she showed little interest in standing until last Thursday. When she decided to start standing, though, it took her less than 3 days to become adept at standing, including reliably falling into a sitting position (rather than on her head).

I must say that I am not sure I am ready for two toddlers. Two kids running in opposite directions scares me a fair bit.