Five Weeks

Only five more weeks until my daughter will be born! That is not very long.

It is a planned c-section so we know that she will be born on August 31. The schedule is quite nice with a toddler. He goes to daycare as usual and when I pick him up he will have a new sister. No need to find a baby-sitter that can come over on a minutes notice any time of day or night, etc.

We do not have a name yet, which is freaking my wife out a bit. I have no doubt that we will find a name before we really need it. If we do not settle on one in the next few weeks, however, it could become quite concerning.

Apparently (in Colorado), if you do not decide on a name before you leave the hospital they put “Baby Girl” (or Boy) as the first name on the birth certificate. Then when you decide what the baby’s name is you do a full blown legal name change from “Baby Girl” to what ever name you want. We will definitely not be doing that, it sounds like way to much work.